This Portfolio -> React TypeScript Next.js
A portfolio website to showcase my projects
Dofus Quests -> Svelte Cytoscape Java
Quest and data visualisation
MSc Thesis -> OCaml Separation Logic
Adding and Optimising Resource Algebras for a Parametric CSE engine
Stalkify -> Next.js TypeScript Pusher
A Spotify game to guess your friends' music tastes
Acouphène -> Next.js TypeScript MDX WebGL
A French music outlet's website, with easy to edits pages and exciting UI.
Emmy -> TypeScript Preact
A Gameboy emulator for the web, usable from any device, with good accuracy
Wemon -> Python Django Dart
A social media app, allowing users to share pictures, thoughts, and plan activities together -> Python Django React TypeScript
A web app to create music groups with friends, and make listening sessions, with AI-powered recommendations
ValData -> Python Django React TypeScript
A data analysis tool for the Valorant video game
Generative Art -> Java
Small programs that make generative art
Archive -> This Portfolio The website you're currently on! It showcases my different projects over the years, with some images - have a look. If you like what you're seeing, feel free to email me, my email is at the top of the page.